News & Events

MedDMO: Starting September, we begin to research similarities in disinformation in Greece, Malta and Cyprus

June 26, 2023 The research findings of common ground of misinformation in Greece, Cyprus and Malta enters its final stage, for the Mediterranean Observatory of Digital Media – under the auspices of the EU – whose operation began at the end of last year. This was revealed by its members who spoke about the evolution

MedDMO: Starting September, we begin to research similarities in disinformation in Greece, Malta and Cyprus Read More »

New brief from EDMO: Climate change disinformation on the rise in May

June 15, 2023 The scope of disinformation related to Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic in May in the European Union continues to move steadily, while cases of disinformation related to climate change continue to increase. This is the central conclusion of the information note of the European Digital Media Observatory for the month of May,

New brief from EDMO: Climate change disinformation on the rise in May Read More »

Participation of MedDMO in the Task Force for the 2024 European elections

May 26, 2023 With journalist Stamos Archontis from Ellinika Hoaxes, MedDMO participates in the action group set up by EDMO to combat disinformation ahead of the 2024 European elections. Building on the experience of the corresponding EDMO Task Force on disinformation about the war in Ukraine, the new task force plans to carry out a

Participation of MedDMO in the Task Force for the 2024 European elections Read More »

EDMO: Declining COVID-19 and Ukraine Disinformation in April – Stabilized one regarding Climate Change

May 17, 2023 EDMO’s brief on the types of disinformation in Europe in April was released, with fake news around the coronavirus and the war in Ukraine decreasing significantly and fake news around climate change being stabilised. In particular, of the 1,402 fact-checks published by the 30 organizations cooperating with EDMO, 173 (12%) were related

EDMO: Declining COVID-19 and Ukraine Disinformation in April – Stabilized one regarding Climate Change Read More »

Dr. N. Sarris on ERT3: The leap of AI is huge – Seeing is not believing any more

April 27, 2023 Technology development will steeply increase in such a way that people won’t be able to believe in their own eyes. That’s what Dr. Nikos Sarris, CERTH researcher and MedDMO coordinator said in his appearance on Greek national television (ERT3) and more specifically on “Day with Color” news show. As he said, “technology

Dr. N. Sarris on ERT3: The leap of AI is huge – Seeing is not believing any more Read More »

Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria spur disinformation narratives

March 23, 2023 According to the newly released EDMO brief, the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria in February, 2023 was major news and, as usually happens with major media stories, disinformation immediately followed. Covid and Ukraine-related disinformation remained stable in Febrouary; on the contrary, the topic of climate change seemed to be dropping.

Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria spur disinformation narratives Read More »