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Cyprus: Disinformation report on migration

This report looks into several disinformation narratives about migrants in Cyprus, many of them making false claims about the number of migrants in the country ...
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Malta: Disinformation narrative report on hospitals deal

This report highlights a series of disinformation narratives surrounding a controversial deal to hand over three of Malta's public hospitals to a private consortium. A ...
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Disinformation narrative report around the wildfire in Northern Greece by Ellinika Hoaxes

This report is part of a series of reports highlighting disinformation
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1st Report of platform practices and national authorities support 2023 (for Cyprus, Greece & Malta)

This is the MedDMO annual report detailing the results of monitoring the online platform practices towards supporting the national authorities of Cyprus,
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HyperGraphDis: Leveraging Hypergraphs for Contextual and Social-Based Disinformation Detection

In the paper “HyperGraphDis: Leveraging Hypergraphs for Contextual and Social-Based Disinformation Detection,” we improved disinformation detection accuracy and computational efficiency on social media by introducing ...
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MedDMO Media Plurality Report 2022

The MedDMO Media Plurality Report is an annual publication that aims to present and assess the plurality and diversity of the news media ecosystem in ...
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Identifying Misinformation on YouTube through Transcript Contextual Analysis with Transformer Models

YouTube, as a dominant platform for video content, has become an essential source of information for many. However, its user-generated nature makes it susceptible to ...
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Detecting Disinformation Cascades on Twitter (CUT)

Recent events have demonstrated that disinformation spread through social networks can have dire political, economic, and social consequences. Detecting disinformation must inevitably rely on the ...
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Analysis of YouTube’s Pseudoscientific Video Recommendations (CUT)

YouTube has revolutionized how people discover and consume videos, becoming one of the primary news sources for Internet users. Since content on YouTube is generated ...
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