EDMO Briefs

April 2024: EU and climate change related misinformation was up, false claims around Ukraine are down slightly

June 3, 2024 22% of all misinformation recorded in the month of April 2024 was equally about the European Union and climate change (each one at 11%). From the brief published by EDMO and which is based on the analysis of 1,716 articles, it appears that the disinformation about the war between Israel and Hamas

April 2024: EU and climate change related misinformation was up, false claims around Ukraine are down slightly Read More »

EDMO brief #33 is out: Disinformation about Ukraine grows, as does false content about the EU and immigration

March 21, 2024 Disinformation about the war in Ukraine increased by a few percentage points, going from 7% in January to 10% the following month. Disinformation about immigration and disinformation about the EU also increased, even if more moderately. View the month’s monthly report as compiled by EDMO’s fact-checking team here.

EDMO brief #33 is out: Disinformation about Ukraine grows, as does false content about the EU and immigration Read More »

Farmers’ protests gain traction in the disinformation sphere in January

February 19, 2024 The European Digital Media Observatory has identified the increase in disinformation related to the farmers’ protests in many countries of the European Union in January – following smaller rallies in the previous months. As noted in the relevant January brief, several false reports began to inflate the extent of the protests, using

Farmers’ protests gain traction in the disinformation sphere in January Read More »

EDMO brief: Disinformation about the Middle East conflict remains prominent in November

December 20, 2023 The 32 organizations* part of the EDMO fact-checking network that contributed to this brief published a total of 1.354 fact-checking articles in November 2023. Out of these articles, 349 (26%) focused on the conflict between Israel and Hamas, 72 (5%) on Ukraine-related disinformation; 69 (5%) on COVID-19-related disinformation; 72 (5%) on climate

EDMO brief: Disinformation about the Middle East conflict remains prominent in November Read More »

Israel-Hamas conflict: At the top of disinformation in Europe during October

November 17, 2023 The highest relative percentage of fake news recorded since April 2022 on a single topic in Europe belongs to the Israel-Hamas conflict during October 2023. In particular, 573 cases of fake stories revolved around it, out of a total of 1,576, i.e. a percentage of almost 36%. The most recent similar case

Israel-Hamas conflict: At the top of disinformation in Europe during October Read More »