
Article misconstrues archaeological discovery in Spain as remnants of ‘Atlantis’

May 12, 2023 The recent discovery of 5th-century BC reliefs depicting human faces at an archaeological site in southwest Spain marked a breakthrough in historians’ understanding of the ancient Iberian civilization of Tartessos. But a Greek article shared hundreds of times online has warped the discovery into myth, claiming that these sculptures are “the first

Article misconstrues archaeological discovery in Spain as remnants of ‘Atlantis’ Read More »

Bill Gates did not say in this interview that Covid vaccines were ‘dangerous’

April 27, 2023 In a 2022 video interview, Bill Gates praised Covid-19 vaccines while admitting they were not perfect in entirely blocking the transmission of the virus and in the limited duration of their effect. A Greek website shared a clip from this video in April 2023 with the false claim that it showed him

Bill Gates did not say in this interview that Covid vaccines were ‘dangerous’ Read More »