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Fact-check Malta: Was a butcher caught killing sick dogs and cats and selling them as sausage meat?

June 27, 2024 Rumours that a butcher on the island ...
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LGBTQ Greeks battle online hate in landmark year for rights - Featured image

LGBTQ Greeks battle online hate in landmark year for rights

Tens of thousands have flocked to the northern city of Thessaloniki for EuroPride between June 21 and 29, after Greece became the first Orthodox Christian ...
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Fact-check: Could 87,000 foreigners vote in the local council elections? - Featured image

Fact-check Malta: Could 87,000 foreigners vote in the local council elections?

The actual number is closer to 100,000, made up entirely of EU and British nationals
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Fact-check Malta: Far-right MEP candidate manipulates footage for advert aired on Maltese television

June 20, 2024 Prior to the MEP elections held on ...
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Fact-check: Is Malta’s population now at 717,000 people? - Featured image

Fact-check: Is Malta’s population now at 717,000 people?

A popular Facebook post said NSO data shows this to be the case
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The map shows presumed location of US nuclear weapons, not Russian targets - Featured image

The map shows presumed location of US nuclear weapons, not Russian targets

Since Russian troops marched into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Moscow has pointed to its nuclear capabilities and warned it is ready to deploy them ...
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Fact-check Malta: Are votes for small parties ‘wasted’?

June 5, 2024 In the run-up to the European Parliament ...
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Fact-check Malta: Who can vote in Malta’s elections?

June 4, 2024 this year’s elections saw some 370,000 people ...
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Eurovision 2024 winner did not wear an inverted cross during their performance - Featured image

Eurovision 2024 winner did not wear an inverted cross during their performance

Switzerland's Nemo won the Eurovision Song Contest on May 11, 2024, becoming the first artist identifying as non-binary to claim victory. Twenty-four-year-old Nemo's "The Code" ...
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Fact-check Malta: Opposition leader Bernard Grech’s workers’ day speech

May 18, 2024 Like his counterpart Prime Minister Robert Abela, ...
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Fact-check Malta: Prime Minister Robert Abela’s workers’ day speech

May 18, 2024 Prime Minister and Labour Party leader Robert ...
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Fact-check: Would Malta have had to sell the hospitals under a bankrupt Steward? - Featured image

Fact-check Malta: Would Malta have had to sell the hospitals under a bankrupt Steward?

News of Steward's bankruptcy led some to speculate that the hospitals would have been up for sale
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